- Analog Electronics & Communication lab
The lab is mainly designed to introduce semiconductors devices & analog system design using semiconductor device. With the knowledge of the device students will be able to develop application oriented circuits, construct & test for its performance, the major experiments includes designing, construction and testing of electronic circuits like receivers, amplifiers & oscillators.
- Digital Electronics lab
The lab is mainly concentrating on introducing designing of digital systems to the students of ECE, CSE & ISE so that students are able to understand the working of CPU and its designing. The students are introducing to the digital IC’s to construct combinational and sequential digital systems based on the logic gates. The major experiments include the designing of Adders, Subtractor, Multiplexers, Demultiplexers, Encoder, Decoder & Sequential digital systems like Counters & registers.
- Analog Communication lab
Basically a communication system is of analog or digital type, hence the purpose of this lab is to provide a basic and advanced information in the area of communication. The student gain information about the different filtering process done both at the Tx & Rx side, & also able to analyze a the difference in various analog modulation techniques such as “AM, FM,PM” etc., in analog communication system lab
- Microcontroller lab
Microcontroller lab is mainly used to give the concept of assembly language programming & give an idea to the students that how to interface the peripherals like Stepper motor, DAC, ADC, Keyboard, Temperature Sensor, Logic controllers etc., for E&C Students.
- PC hardware and networking lab
This lab gives awareness to the students about the concepts like hardware components identification of PCs and working procedures, also debugging. Networking includes connecting the systems by using various devices like hubs, routers, switches etc.,